“At Grove Road Dental Practice, we are proud of the service we offer and look forward to welcoming you…”
Gordon Hennessy B.A., B.Dent. Sc.
Most people have experienced a filling at some time in their lives. Fillings are necessary to protect cavities and now fillings can look natural too! Quite often people can be embarrassed by showing silver fillings when they laugh, smile or yawn. White fillings don’t show nearly as much as silver fillings.
White fillings used to have a deserved reputation for not lasting as long as silver amalgam fillings. However, there are new materials available to dental surgeons for white fillings that offer comparable constituents to silver amalgam. The expected duration of a white filling can depend on where it is situated in your mouth and the formation of your bite. Your Grove Road Dental Surgeon can advise you on the life expectancy of your white fillings.
We would suggest that unless you are absolutely determined to lose your silver fillings it is best to change only when advised to do so by your dentist. Your dental surgeon will only advise you to change when it is a necessary procedure.
White fillings are not always successful in back teeth and your dentist may suggest using crowns or inlays, this can involve removing more of the tooth and can also be more expensive.
Our Denplan Care programme was launched in 2001 and such has been its success that today more than 70% of our patients are enjoying its benefits. By making a fixed monthly payment*, you will be entitled to all the routine care and treatment you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Plans for Children from Denplan is an extremely popular payment plan especially designed for our younger patients. It includes many of the benefits of Denplan Care and offers excellent value for money. It is open to all patients from 6 to 17 years*