“At Grove Road Dental Practice, we are proud of the service we offer and look forward to welcoming you…”
Gordon Hennessy B.A., B.Dent. Sc.
Spread the cost of your regular preventive dental care with monthly payments
Taking care of your dental health has never been so easy. With Denplan Essentials the cost of your check-ups, dental x-rays and hygiene treatment is evenly spread throughout the year in monthly payments.
The regular care you receive as a Denplan Essentials patient helps to ensure that treatment needs are identified as early as possible. And if you do need any extra treatment you will receive a 10% discount as a Denplan Essentials patient.
Help to stop dental problems happening with good preventive care
You can look forward to better long term oral health because Denplan Essentials gives us the time to place greater emphasis on preventive dental care. We will give you dental advice and take positive steps to help you avoid tooth decay and gum disease.
Summary of benefits
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